The ECB Aqua Treadmill combines the most unique system on the market with the highest standard materials to provide the most effective aqua treadmill available. The built in computer has the ability to store up to 100 tailor-made programs, making it easy to monitor, assess and customise each individual horse’s needs. This treadmill can be set to any water depth from 0 to 1.2 meters and even has the ability to double as a standard dry treadmill. It has a fully adjustable incline option from 0% to 12% allowing you the flexibility of targeting specific muscle groups and increasing resistance as and when needed. The chiller unit enables us to cool the water to our desired temperature which means we can also use the treadmill as a cold water spa, ideal for treating a wide range of injuries including sore shins, suspensory ligament injuries, sprains, strains and swelling, additionally it can be used as a preventative measure after exercise. The Aqua Treadmill has large safety glass viewing panels on all sides offering the ability to gain a full 360 degree view of the horse whilst working.
Exercising in water significantly reduces joint concussion which is essential when rehabilitating injuries and developing young horses. Plus the resistance of the water creates a strengthening environment which cannot be recreated during normal training. Additionally the aqua treadmill offers the unique opportunity of being able to build muscle, strength and balance without the influence of tack or rider.
We take a small number of racehorses throughout the year for both rehabilitation from injury and to fittening before entering training. We are happy to work to rehabilitation programs supplied by vets, physiotherapists or other equine specialists and can accommodate whatever length of stay is required.
Stabling is provided within a 6 box barn, all fully equiped with rubber matting on the floors and automatic drinkers. All horses boarding with us to use the Aqua Treadmill will be specifically under the care of the treadmill operator, to ensure that rehabilitative work is closely monitored.
We do now have walk in facilities. To make bookings, general inquiries or to see if we have any availability, please contact Oliver Nash on 07547177282 or email
Located on the Hampshire downs, with easy access to the M3 and M4.
Larksborough Farm
RG28 7PN